关于「 risc」的内容列表

Academician Ni Guangnan: Open-source RISC-V is a new engine for the transformation of the chip industry. RISC-V will become the backbone of the semiconductor industry that cannot be ignored

On March 4th, February 28th, the 2025 Xuantie RISC-V ecological conference organized by the Dharma Academy was held in Beijing. Ni Guangnan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, said at the meeting that the open-source model will help RISC-V (an open Instruction Set Architecture) build an inclusive and collaborative innovation globalization ecosystem and become a new engine for the transformation of the chip industry. It is understood that the Xuantie of the Dharma Academy has a...

2025-03-04 04:11:17
倪光南院士:开源RISC-V是芯片产业变革的新引擎 RISC-V将成为半导体产业不可忽视的中坚力量


2025-03-04 04:11:17
Class A shared communication equipment plate short-term pull up, Dingxin communication limit, Riskangda previously sealed the board, Longway shares, Yongding shares, Shenyu shares, Zhaolong interconnection, Dingtong technology and so on rose.

Class A shared communication equipment plate short-term pull up, Dingxin communication limit, Riskangda previously sealed the board, Longway shares, Yongding shares, Shenyu shares, Zhaolong interconnection, Dingtong technology and so on rose.

2024-12-20 01:39:00
RISC Zero launches Smart Contract Proof 1.0

On October 8, RISC Zero, a zero-knowledge proof software developer, launched Steel 1.0, a smart contract prover that moves smart contract execution off-chain, with the aim of improving operational efficiency while maintaining on-chain security.

2024-10-08 02:32:52
RISC Zero推出智能合约证明器Steel1.0

10月8日消息,零知识证明软件开发商RISC Zero推出智能合约证明器Steel 1.0,Steel将智能合约执行转移到链下,旨在提高运行效率的同时保持链上安全。

2024-10-08 02:32:52
Risc Zero: Bringing blockchain security to "any" off-chain application

According to a September 16 announcement, Risc Zero is preparing to launch a service designed to bring blockchain security to any off-chain application using zero-knowledge (ZK) proofs. Risc says the service, called "Boundless", aims to solve blockchain's toughest scalability challenges - including limitations on transaction throughput and cross-chain interoperability - by "bypassing traditional on-chain execution limitations" using ZK proof.

2024-09-16 22:43:09
Risc Zero:将区块链安全性带入“任何”链下应用

根据 9 月 16 日的公告,Risc Zero 正准备推出一项服务,旨在使用零知识 (ZK) 证明将区块链安全性带入任何链下应用程序。 Risc表示,该服务名为“Boundless”,旨在通过使用 ZK 证明“绕过传统的链上执行限制”,解决区块链最棘手的可扩展性挑战——包括交易吞吐量和跨链互操作性的限制。

2024-09-16 22:43:09
RISC Zero has validated its first zero-knowledge proof on the Starknet Sepolia testnet

Zero-knowledge proof software developer RISC Zero has announced that its first RISC Zero proof has been officially validated on the Starknet Sepolia testnet, allowing developers to use ZKP in Rust through RISC Zero's zkVM for verifiable off-chain execution and more.

2024-09-11 17:33:48
RISC Zero已在Starknet Sepolia测试网验证其首个零知识证明

零知识证明软件开发商 RISC Zero 宣布其第一个 RISC Zero proof 已在 Starknet Sepolia 测试网上正式得到验证,开发人员可通过 RISC Zero 的 zkVM 使用 Rust 中的 ZKP,实现可验证的链下执行等。

2024-09-11 17:33:48
RISC Zero is fully open-source

Zero-knowledge proof software developer RISC Zero has released the source code and compiler technology, which is now fully open-source.

2024-08-28 14:39:59
RISC Zero 已实现完全开源

零知识证明软件开发商 RISC Zero 发布了源代码和编译器技术,目前已完全开源。

2024-08-28 14:39:59
Blockchain infrastructure provider RISC Zero has announced the launch of its Solana testnet

On August 21st, RISC Zero, a blockchain infrastructure provider, announced on X that it has launched the Solana testnet. It is committed to unlocking unlimited execution capabilities for Solana, enabling developers to actually build anything on the chain. According to reports, RISC Zero plans to bring ZK changes to Solana, including: ZKSolana light client side; Compressed DePIN network; Secure ZK login; This empowers developers and reduces centralization.

2024-08-21 05:26:03
区块链基础设施提供商RISC Zero宣布上线Solana测试网

8月21日消息,区块链基础设施提供商RISC Zero于X宣布已上线Solana测试网。其致力于为Solana解锁无限执行能力,使开发人员能够真正在链上进行任何构建。据介绍,RISC Zero计划将ZK变革引入Solana,包括: ZKSolana轻客户端; 压缩DePIN网络; 安全的ZK登录; 从而赋能开发者,减少中心化。

2024-08-21 05:26:03
RISC Zero推出Blobstream Zero

Blockchain infrastructure provider RISC Zero has launched Blobstream Zero, a zkVM-based Blobstream bridge designed to connect Celestia's data availability layer with various blockchain ecosystems. Blobstream is Celestia's solution that enables rollups to leverage the Celestia light client side for data availability sampling. Blobstream Zero introduces the ability to validate Celestia DA using zero-knowledge proofs. The integration allows convolutional and applications to generate proofs more eff...

2024-07-03 01:30:28
RISC Zero推出Blobstream Zero

区块链基础设施提供商RISC Zero推出Blobstream Zero,这是一款基于zkVM的Blobstream桥接器,旨在将Celestia的数据可用性层与各种区块链生态系统连接起来。Blobstream是Celestia的解决方案,可使rollups利用Celestia轻客户端进行数据可用性采样。Blobstream Zero引入了使用零知识证明验证Celestia DA的能力。该集成允许卷积和应用程序更高效地跨链生成证明。Blobstream Zero还引入了ZK协处理器,使...

2024-07-03 01:30:28

7x24 快讯

12:08 2025-03-26
Michael Saylor:优先股STRF今日将在纳斯达克上市交易
3月26日消息,Strategy(原MicroStrategy)创始人Michael Saylor在X平台发文称,该公司最新推出的优先股STRF(Strife)拟于今日在纳斯达克上市交易。
11:55 2025-03-26
知名游戏零售商 GameStop 表示,公司未对其将持有的比特币数量设置上限,并称可以出售其获得的任何比特币。
11:49 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,据意大利媒体《L'Union Sarda》报道,Vaulta(原 EOS)母公司 Block. one 的首席执行官、Bullish 董事长 Brendan Blumer(BB)于近日以创纪录的 1.6 亿欧元(约合 1.728 亿美元)买下罗马齐诺(Romazzino)别墅。除去切尔托萨别墅(Villa Certosa)外,这笔交易是撒丁岛乃至意大利房地产史上金额最高的交易。 这座位于罗马齐诺(Romaz...
11:28 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,XBT.com 在劳埃德拍卖行(Lloyds Auctions)上的价格已超过 300 万美元,有望成为 2021 年以来最大的加密域名拍卖。 劳埃德拍卖行首席运营官 Lee Hames 表示:这不仅仅是一个域名,更是比特币本身的金融未来和身份,无论谁赢得 XBT.com,都将拥有十年来最伟大的域名和比特币未来的股份,这是一种具有巨大历史和金融意义的数字资产。 据悉,XBT.com 起拍价为 2,798,917...
11:04 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,OpenZK正在设计桥接EigenLayer再质押功能,使得用户可以在其L2上实现一键质押、再质押ETH等功能,简化流程并最大限度提升资产利用率。EigenLayer的开发者推特Build On Eigen已转发确认。OpenZK预计本次即将推出的再质押产品会增加其网络访问量并为大规模DeFi应用做好准备。
10:58 2025-03-26
据Whale Alert监测,加密货币托管服务商Ceffu约5分钟前向币安转入3,311枚BTC,约合2.9亿美元。
10:52 2025-03-26
CZ:Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新增奖励中心等功能
3月26日消息,CZ在其社交平台表示,Web3教育平台Giggle Academy发布V1.9.0版本,新版本的更新包括:改进儿童语音识别、新增奖励中心(积分,不是加密货币)、推荐注册H5页面、StorybookUI升级。
10:49 2025-03-26
3月26日消息,据The Data Nerd监测,8小时前,某钱包(可能属于Bybit)向Binance存入了2.2万枚ETH(约4535万美元)。这可能是黑客攻击后,Bybit向Binance的还款。上周,该钱包还将另外2.2万枚ETH存入Binance。
10:39 2025-03-26
观点:BTC 长期持有者仍在等待更高退出价位,需警惕“牛市陷阱”
据彭博社报道,加密货币交易自动化平台 CoinPanel 交易专家 Kirill Kretov 警告投资者在当前环境中需格外谨慎:市场依然脆弱,极易被操纵。散户活跃度低迷,交易量稀薄,即便所谓的聪明钱也在场外观望。真正有能力推动市场的力量选择按兵不动,这...
10:27 2025-03-26
比特币本周一触及两周高位后的反弹行情正面临夭折风险,加密货币交易自动化平台CoinPanel交易专家Kirill Kretov警告称:投资者在当前环境中需格外谨慎,市场依然脆弱且极易被操纵,散户活跃度低迷、交易量稀薄,即便所谓的聪明钱也在场外观望,真正有能力推动市场的力量选择按兵不动,这绝非...
10:24 2025-03-26
嘉楠科技公布2024年第四季度和全年未经审计的财务业绩。2024年第四季度总收入为8880万美元,超过预期的8000万美元,同比增长80.9%。挖矿收入为1530万美元,同比增长312.5%,共开采出186枚比特币。净亏损为9290万美元,而2023年同期为1.39亿美元。 2024年全年总收入为2.693亿美元,较2023年的2.115亿美元同比增长27.4%。售出的总算力为2600万TH/s,较2023年的1960万TH/s同比增长32.6%。采矿收入...
10:09 2025-03-26
“木头姐”Cathie Wood拟将旗下基金代币化,或遇监管阻碍
Cathie Wood 于当地时间周二在纽约举行的数字资产峰会上发表讲话时说:“我们认为代币化将是巨大的,我们希望能够将风险基金 (ARKVX) 或是数字资产革命基金(Digital Asset Revolution Fund)代币化。”但分析认为,虽然Cathie Wood 准备将 Ark Invest 基金代币化,但面临美国监管和法规的阻碍,导致这一进程或将被搁置。